Saturday, September 13, 2008

Little Buck

Lil’ Buck

I recall how proud I was when I finished my first ever oil painting, ever, under the direction of the master artist, Claude Buck. When he suggested that I sign my painting, there was no hesitation on my part in asking permission to use Buck as part of my signature. The “Buck” is used as a tribute to this great teacher and friend, and Paulson in the signature is after my dear father who had been such an influence in my life and in the world of baseball. Hence, Buck Paulson was born (as an artist) in 1962.
Of course there were skeptics who disavowed my using Claude’s name in my signature. These critics have died away as they usually do.

It was heartening one day, years later to teach my four children (at that time) a small mini class project of a seascape. I didn’t think anything more than what a great time we had together doing the painting in the room under the house. It was at suppertime when each child showed their mom what they had done that I was overwhelmed. Each child had signed their painting with the surname, Buck. Buck David, Buck Dondi, Buck Tim, and Buck Tanda.

I then realized what a responsibility I had as a teacher, to inspire not only my children, but also other artists as I teach art across the country. I didn’t expect these artists to use any part of Buck Paulson in their signature, but just maybe they will try a little harder to be a better artist, or a better person from having been in one of my art classes. And it isn’t just a one-way street however, as I have tried to become a better artist and a better person after being in their presence.

If we each try to enlighten others with our talents, if we try to learn from each other, if we love God, our neighbor, and country. It will be a better world for Art.

A side note: A dear friend and excellent artist in Florida, Pam Whitlock, paid me a high honor when her new little puppy was given to her. He is half German shepherd and half wolf. She named him Little Buck. I think the front half is all WOLF. He is one of my favorite people!

Whatever name you sign your art creations with is your business, just be sure that you do!