Wednesday, July 22, 2009

The Man with the Golden Helmet (Glove)

Danny Litwhiler was the playing manager for my first year as a professional baseball pitcher with the Fargo Moorhead Twins of the Northern League. Danny had had an impressive major league background which included playing with various teams for 11 1/2 years. He played in two different World Series. He played in an all-star game for the National Leaguers. AND, his glove is in the Hall of Fame for having been the first major league outfielder to play a whole season without an error. The above painting was to be one of the chapter headings in the book about Danny's life. "Living the Baseball Dream," does have my painting as a cover for the book. But they chose from elsewhere for Chapter headings.
Recently a friend and mine continue to play our two on two softball games each week at a local ball field. However, this time their was a different line-up when we performed as the mythical team against us. I now had Danny Litwhiler as the player I would represent while batting for the other team.
I actually have an ongoing telephone conversation with Danny in Florida each week. I recently asked his permission to impersonate him in these crucial games. Danny was pleased.
My team-mate Tom commented that I am a much better hitter now that I have Danny as my "Other team" player.
Sometimes taking the identity of one we admire allows us to improve our performance. I know that I sure paint better having Claude Buck's last name as part of my identity. Now as Danny Litwhiler, I am lighting up the score board too!
Let me ask you a question..........Who could you imitate that would improve your performance?
Course, becoming more Christ-like surely has its own rewards!