Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Luck is only a part of it!

I want to tell you about an experience that I had a few years ago. At the time I was working with my son Tim on a joint venture called, "Buck of the Month Club." One of the privileges we offered to our subscribers was a free critique by me (Buck).

I guess because of my astute (my observation) critiques, a good friend and a subscriber to the Club, Mario Simic contacted me to do a little chore for him. Mario is the dynamic owner of the Simic New Renaissance Galleries in several locations of California and Arizona. Mario was having a giant auction of art at the most prestigious hotel in San Diego. The auction was also a benefit for the "Make a Wish Foundation.

Mario asked if I would attend the auction and make comments about each painting before the auctioneer did his "Stuff." It was bound to enhance the value of each piece.
I told him that I would love to do it, but i would be teaching Friday and Saturday in a San Jose, CA workshop.

Mario is a man of action. He made it possible so that I would fly from San Jose after my class on Saturday, take a taxi to the hotel, check into my room, put on the rented Tuxedo, shiny shoes, and begin my night's activities.

It was exciting. It was thrilling, to watch people open their hearts and billfolds for great art, and a great cause!
After the evening's event, I went to my room, tired and yet exhilarated. Then I noticed a problem. I had the side of a little toe aflame with pain. Those fancy shoes were a torture chamber!
I woke up the next morning, lounged around until time to go to the ballroom for an elegant feast before the afternoon's final offerings of art. The room was immaculate in every way and was ready for the throng of kind and benevolent people. Every place setting was a masterpiece in their Emily Post configuration....not a hair out of place.

IN the midst of my mouth "open" awe, I realized that my toe wasn't going to be able to make it. My little toe was absolutely on fire. WHAT TO DO?
Well, for me...it was prayer. I told Heavenly Father that I needed His help!!!!!!!!!!
What happened next was one of the simplest, most surprising events. There in the midst of the absolute perfection I spied something out of place!!!!!!!!! A single band aide was nestled next to the 7th fork in a perfect place setting.

That little band aide saved my day and life.

I know the power of Prayer. I use it every day in my life and art! Try it!