Friday, February 19, 2010

Did the photo displayed surprise you?

Let me give you an explanation. I usually clean my palette at the end of the day by scraping the clumps of left-over paint and placing them on the other end of the palette. However, for a short period of time I had been using the same locations for the paint and simply adding more to them each day. After a few days, when I scraped off all of the paint, there were still traces of where the paint had been placed. I was so moved by the power and the richness of the left behind traces, that I photographed the palette.

This power of the pigment is what excites me when I am ready to create a Pochade masterpiece. I love to see the color mixtures as they touch and intermingle with each other.

Sometimes when ideas come to us we wonder where they come from. But why should we wonder?

I am especially aware that someone is guiding me in my art when I go to the studio with an open mind and am willing to listen. I have often wondered if it is Claude Buck who is whispering some succinct suggestions in my ears. Or is it the temperamental, emotional George Inness? He was always ready to paint on any canvas in front of him, be it one of his own, or of a friend’s, or of his son’s.

Maybe it’s both Claude and George. I just want them to stay!